Wambam Photography


Personal branding photography is ideal for businesses and entrepreneurs, helping to create a clear identity of your business online to help you communicate your business and stand-out against an ever-growing field of competitors. For many businesses, particularly smaller start-ups, it is an intimidating venture – but skilled photographers can help you to create clear, visual identities in an online world that present the best of your business, and help you connect with the clientele you hope to reach. 


Personal branding photography is important because, in this day and age, many of us reach for our phones in the first instance when there is a service we are hoping to find. This means that the days of the Yellow Pages are gone – and we depend more heavily than ever on an immediate visual presence. If you want to ensure your business holds its own in the modern age, personal branding photography is for you – ensuring a personalised but professional finish to showcase the very best of your services.


This is where your photographer comes in. A great starting point is using the prompts below to get you thinking, and these can form the basis of initial conversations with your photographer. Take your time to really crystallise what you hope to achieve!

1.What three adjectives best capture what your brand is about, and how you hope to communicate it online?

2.Which existing brands and businesses act as inspiration for you (Pinterest is your new best friend!)?

3.What brand colours, fonts, and aesthetics best represent your brand? Where do you envision the finished product being displayed?

4.What kind of location/backdrop appeals to you?

5.What kind of clients do you hope to attract? What are their needs and interests?

Once you have come to a clear decision on these points, you are ready to start considering the intricacies of personal branding. How much of yourself will you convey in your images? Will you maintain a focus on props and products? Can you consider combining both, and interweaving a personal story into your brand? We can work with you to help you refine your thought process and to create the kind of images you will be proud of, and what will establish your online presence now and in the future. 

“Working with Charlie on a personal branding shoot for my rebrand was ever so dreamy. She understood my vision straight away and that translated into the beautiful images we captured. Charlie delivered an edited gallery consisting of a wide range of amazing photos that I used on my website the very next week. Thank you Charlie, I can’t wait to shoot again!”

At Wambam Photography, we hold initial telephone consultations to determine your location needs – our studio is available as a safe, versatile space where we can create your branding from the ground up, or we can meet you on your own premises. 

Once you are confident in your vision, get in touch so we can help you begin to bring it to life.